Jackson Petito
Executive Director

Tyler Lucas
Director of Development and Underwriting

Courtney Welsh
Development Coordinator
After 15 years on the Front Range, in Boulder/Denver, by way of Illinois and Wisconsin, Courtney made her way to the Gunnison Valley in May of 2022 and joined the KBUT family in November. Before moving here, she spent over a decade of her time at KGNU, as a long-time volunteer and listener member. There she connected with her community through radio, concerts and event outreach. When she’s not cuttin’ up a rug on the dance floor, you can find her on the river, hiking, chasing waterfalls, cross-country skiing, or listening to her vinyl collection and snuggling her cat Zazu. Courtney’s doors always open at the KBUT station, so swing by and say hello!

Kate Gienapp
News Director
Kate Gienapp joined KBUT as a Morning Edition host and reporter after working as a reporter and photographer for the local weekly paper, the Gunnison Country Times. Her work has also been published in the Gunnison Magazine and the Montrose Daily Press. She’s covered everything from local politics, public lands to arts and culture. Her favorite thing is listening to people tell her about what they love. When she’s not in the studio you can find her cross-country skiing with her dog Pippin. And if you think you’ve got a story, be sure to swing by – she’ll never say no to chatting over coffee!